PAIN Page 6
"When can I see her?"
He looks up at the clock on the wall. "She should be coming out of the anesthesia about now. A nurse will be out to get you as soon as she's ready to move to a patient room."
"Look, doc, I don't know what's usual here, but Abigail is going to be scared as hell if she wakes up and I'm not there. She's been through a lot lately, and I'd rather her not be upset more than necessary." This feels like begging, and I'm not used to asking for much of anything.
"Sir, you seem to genuinely care for the child, but I have to tell you, I have my doubts about letting you see her at all. The only reason I'm agreeing to is because you weren't there when she was shot. I'm sure the ER staff have already contacted CPS, anyway." He stood to go.
I stood too, taking advantage of my greater height and bulk. "Not only do I care for that kid like she was my own, but it's my job to protect her from the people trying to do her harm. And believe me, those people could blow this band-aid station off the map and not blink an eye. I need to see Abigail as soon as possible and get details from her that could save her life, and others." Do I feel guilty using the doctor's fears against him? Not in the slightest.
His eyebrows go up, practically disappearing under his hair. "Oh. I had no idea. She's in Witness Protection?"
I shrug, ready to use the misunderstanding. "I can't confirm that. But she is in danger."
He nods, as if this is exactly the answer he would expect. "Okay. In that case, I'll send someone right out to bring you to her."
The others are full of questions back in the waiting room, but I have no intention of letting them off the hook so easily. "It ain't too good. She had to have blood. Guess they're going to let me see her, at least, though."
Tank and Brax go pale as ghosts, but Vince, he just stays quiet. That ain't like him at all. I can't wait to get a chance to talk to Tank and see what the fuck actually happened today.
Abigail is pale as fuck, and she's way too tiny to be in that fucking bed, but it's better now that she has a room than down in recovery. The sight of her, all pale and hooked up to all kinds of monitors, combined with the smell of blood and antiseptic and other stuff to nearly take me off my feet when they first let me see her.
Now, though, I can sit here and look at her without feeling like I'm going to hit the floor. "How you feeling now, baby girl?"
She gives me a little smile, nothing like her normal sassy self. "It hurts some. How long I gotta be here? I want to go home and lay in your bed while you read me Madeline. I don't like it here."
Damn kid knows exactly how to twist me in knots. "I know, baby girl. I'm not sure how long, but they'll let you come home as soon as you're better. Until then, I'm right here with you."
"Pinky promise?"
I frown, not sure what I'm getting myself into. "What's a pinky promise? That sounds serious."
A soft laugh comes from behind me. "Oh, that's the most serious kind of promise in the world, isn't it Abigail?" A nurse goes to the other side of the bed. "My name is Fianna, and I'll be taking care of Abigail this evening." The smile she flashes me sends my world spinning off-kilter. "Now, Miss Abigail, I need to know how badly your arm hurts." She proceeds to go through this pain scale thing with Abigail, but I'm only half-listening.
My brain is busy tracing all those amazing curves her scrubs are trying, and failing, to hide. Her left hand catches my attention as she checks Abigail's vitals. No ring. Wonder if she's seeing anyone?
"Did you need anything, Mr. Madison?" She straightens to leave, hazel eyes sparkling with laughter.
Why do I feel like I'm missing something? "I really need to know what a pinky promise is. Can't have this little minx making me sign my soul away, or something." Yeah, there's a lot more I need, but that will do for a start.
Fianna gives a low laugh and exchanges a conspiratorial look with Abigail. "Why, it's only the most solemn promise in the world. Give me your hand."
Confused, I comply. "Is this going to hurt?"
Abigail giggles. "No, silly Chalk. She's going to show you."
Fianna takes hold of my hand in both of hers, and I can't help but notice the difference. Where mine is big, dark, and rough, hers are small, smooth as silk, fragile-looking, and pale. She curls my fingers into a fist, then straightens my pinky finger and loops her own in it.
"There. Just like that. Now you shake on the promise." She starts to pull away, but I tighten my finger on hers a little. "Then you let go."
I reluctantly let her finger go. "But what if I don't want to?" There's a lot of things I'd like to do with her hands, but letting go isn't one of them.
Her smile widens and the gold flecks in her eyes mesmerize me. "Where's Abigail's mom? I'm sure she could explain."
I shrug and give her my best smile. "I wouldn't know. Never met the lady."
A finely arched brow goes up. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed…"
"I'm taking care of Abigail for her dad." I give my head a slight shake, hoping she'll take the hint and not ask.
"Oh, I see. So you're really out of your depth. You need someone to teach you all about girl stuff." She gives a little wink in Abigail's direction.
This conversation has grown interesting. "I truly do. Are you applying for the job?"
"Oh, please, Fianna, he really does need it." Abigail lowers her voice. "He thought baths without bubbles were okay!"
Fianna's face turns to mock-horror. "Oh, what a travesty!" Those beautiful hands clutch at her chest. "Yes, he does need it. I'm not so sure he can learn, though. Maybe if he promises to try really hard, I can tell him a few girl-secrets when I come check on you again in a little while."
"I promise to be your star pupil." I offer my right hand, pinky finger extended. "Pinky promise."
Fianna laughs aloud as she shakes on the promise. "Okay, then. Be prepared to study hard. There'll be a test after. I'll see you both in a little while."
I turn to watch those fantastic hips sway as she leaves. Damn, I want way more than a few girl-secrets from her. My dick twitches, throwing in some ideas of its own.
"She's really pretty, huh Chalk?" Just my luck, Abigail caught me looking.
"Yeah, she sure is." I lean forward a little. "Listen, do you think she'd let me take her for coffee when you're out of here?"
Her enthusiastic nod gives away how much she likes the nurse. Abigail would rather I not show attention to any other female. "Yes, silly Chalk. She's pretty, like a Princess. And you're like a Knight. She won't be able to resist."
A knight, huh? I sure as fuck don't feel like one. "How about we find something on TV for you? They'll bring you something to eat soon, I think."
She happily agrees, and as soon as I find her a Disney movie, I sit back to think. I still don't have all the details on the shooting, but I will damn sure get them when she goes to sleep for the night. Vince, Brax, and Tank are safe for the moment, until we're back at the clubhouse. Then I can beat the fuck out of them and not catch an assault charge.
I must have dozed off after Abigail ate her jello and chicken broth, because I suddenly have the feeling of being watched. As soon as I open my eyes, there's Fianna, checking Abigail again.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Her whisper barely carries above the monitors and shit. "I'll bring you a cot and some blankets. You'll kill yourself trying to sleep in these chairs." She hustles out, and I follow her into the hall.
"Abigail's doing okay?" Even I can hear the near-panic in my voice.
Fianna gives me a reassuring smile and a pat to my shoulder. "She's doing good. All her vitals are normal, and she ate well, and kept it down. Very good signs."
Relief knocked me back against the wall. "That's a relief. With her health, I've been worried she would have a hard time recovering."
Dark blonde hair shines under the bright lights as she nods. "Totally understandable. The best thing you can do is make sure she follows the doctor's instructions, and keep her company. She's an adorable ch
"Yeah, she is." No arguing with that one.
"I'll be right back with your cot, and help you get it set up."
Back in Abigail's room, I take a minute to borrow the mouthwash in her toiletries pack. Don't think she'll miss it. Some cold water on my face wakes me the rest of the way up.
About the time I sit back down, the door opens and Fianna comes in rolling a bulky table. "Told you I'd be right back." Her smile makes me think of the things I'd like to do with her hands again.
Fuck, my dick stands right up and pays attention at that thought. Abigail is safe now, so I'm ready to relax a little, I guess. "Thanks. I figured you'd have to finish your rounds first, or something." Nothing will keep me out of the pretty nurse's scrubs, other than her shooting me down hard.
She grins. "It's a slow night, and Abigail is my last patient to see for each round, so I have a few extra minutes." She moves the table to stand against the wall at the foot of Abigail's bed. "Can you give me a hand here? These things can be tricky."
"Sure." I move close behind her and catch a whiff of lavender. "What do you need?" Leaning in, I put my arms to either side of her, trapping her against the table, and nuzzle the curve of her neck, taking in her scent. I figure she'll slap me, or call security, but with her so close, I can't help it.
She stills, and leans back a tiny bit, giving me better access to her neck. Taking full advantage, I lay an open-mouthed kiss on the silky skin and slip my arms around her waist to pull her back against me. My dick twitches against her ass, protesting all the layers of clothing.
"Mmm, I can't do this, Mr. Madison. Policy." She steps away. "If you'll just hold this end, I'll roll the rest of it out."
"Fuck policy. And my name is Chalk." I follow her directions, slightly surprised when something resembling the seat of a couch unfolds from under the damn table.
Finished, she comes closer. "Look, Chalk, you seem really nice, and hot as hell, but I can't afford to lose my job. I'm filling in here, and I'd like to stay on this floor."
I ignore her words and lean in to claim her full lips. She stiffens a little, but when I lick across the seam of her lips, she opens for me and relaxes into my arms. Fuck! Those curves of hers are made to fit me. The inner skin of her lower lip is the softest thing I've ever touched, and it draws me further in. Her arms creep up and around my neck as I deepen the kiss, seeking to taste all her secrets.
My dick begs for attention and I drop one hand to her ass to pull her close so she can feel how hot she has me with just a kiss. The little strangled moan she gives sets me on fire.
But then she pulls away. "I… uh, I'm sorry. I'll be right back with those blankets for you." She hurries out, not making a sound.
I glance at Abigail, still sound asleep, and try to bring my breathing under control. Fuck policy. I stride out the door, just in time to see Fianna turn the corner, and follow her.
She leads me into a dead-end hallway, and enters a door marked Linens. I catch the door just before it closes and go in behind her, ready with a story about an extra pillow, just in case. No need though.
Fianna's alone in the small room filled with shelves stacked high with sheets and blankets. I turn the bolt and lock the door, as she turns and sees me there.
"You can't be here, Chalk." She goes to move past me.
"I am, though." I draw her to me, slow and careful, giving her every chance to say no.
This time, when I kiss her, there's no hesitation. She presses close, fitting her body to mine. When my hips arch to bring my dick closer to her belly, she moans a little. Still kissing her like a starving man, I reach down and adjust myself.
The hem of her shirt catches my attention as I bring my hand back up, and I raise it. Beautiful, full tits fill a white lace bra, and I can't wait to taste them. I duck down to lick the upper curve of one, while I lift the other free of her bra. Her nipple pebbles immediately under my touch, and I can't resist the urge to lick and nip gently.
Her moan makes things suddenly more urgent, and I search for the waistband of her pants. Slipping my hand inside, I cup her through her lacy panties. Fuck, she's wet and hot already. I push the fabric aside to feel her bare skin and separate her folds with gentle fingers. This girl isn't a sweetcake, and I find myself actually wanting her to enjoy this.
She fumbles with my belt, and I'm done fooling around. "Get rid of your pants, Fianna." I take a second to pull a condom from my wallet, then open my jeans and get them down, while she follows orders. By the time I have the condom rolled on, she's bare to me.
As much as I'd like to take my time and look, we don't have the luxury. Next time, I'll see every beautiful bit of her. That thought throws me for a momentary loop. Of course, there can't be a next time. I never go back for seconds.
Without being told, Fianna turns and bends at the hips, presenting me with a perfect view of her lovely ass, and the perfect angle to get inside that hot pussy. I take a moment to tease her, then sink into that amazing heat.
Her body clenches on me, then she relaxes a little as she adjusts to me. Fuck, she's tight as hell. "I'm not going to last long, sugar." I figure it's only fair to warn her.
"Then stop talking." She rocks back against me.
I draw back and pound into her, hard and fast, perfectly aware that the sound of skin slapping together can probably be heard through the door. Shit, at this point, I wouldn't care if we had an audience.
I shift my angle a little, and reach around to find her clit. For the first time in my life, I hold off coming, and wait for her to get off first.
She gives another one of those delicious moans as she tightens around me, and I'm fucking lost. I come in her, long and hard, almost regretting the damn rubber. Being inside her with no barrier would feel incredible.
Trying to catch my breath, I pull out and take the condom off. Fianna starts pulling her clothes back on, but I step in for a hard kiss before she can finish.
"I can't believe I did this. I'm so going to get fired." Her frightened tone makes me stop kissing her for an instant.
"Fianna, listen to me, you did nothing wrong. And no one will know." I tip her chin up so I can look into those pretty eyes. "I promise."
"I bet you say that to every girl, right after you give her the best sex of her life, even if it is in a closet." She gives me a little smile. "It's okay. After this shift, I'll make sure I’m rotated off Abigail's care."
The best sex of her life? The rest of her words sank in. "No. I want you to take care of her. She likes you and so do I." I step back to fasten my jeans. "Will you have coffee with me?"
"Now?" She seems startled by the idea.
Honestly, I am too. I don't go back for seconds, ever, but this girl has me wanting her again, already. "When you have your break. Just coffee, unless you beg me to molest you." I give her my best smile again.
"Coffee sounds great."
I can't believe she's willing to spend more time with me.
Chapter Seven
I lay in my bed, restless as hell. The boys practically forced me to leave the hospital after three days. Surprised the fuck out of me when Abigail agreed. She said I needed a shower and a nap, because I stunk like hell and was so damn grouchy. I didn't have the heart to scold her for the curse words. So, Roadkill and Brax are on Abigail detail right now. She's taken a liking to Roadkill, and they have an ongoing game of Go Fish with no end in sight. Of course, Roadkill cheats for her, so it'll probably never end.
My thoughts wander back to when I was with Fianna. I can’t stop thinking about the way her dark golden hair was pulled up into a ponytail. Perfect for me to wrap around my fist when she's on her knees in front of me.
The images that hair caused made it extremely hard for me to concentrate on our conversations. Every time the light made her hair shine, I had visions of her bending over the arm rest of a couch with her hair twisted around my hand as I thrust into her from behind. Her back arches and she pushes against me. In and out
I let those thoughts consume me, and my hand reflexively grasps my hard cock. The images play through my mind, and I slide my hand up and down until I come, hard. Fuck. No female has ever affected me like this. I can't fucking remember the last time I jacked off. There's always a willing bitch when I get the urge, but right now, I have no interest in any other pussy. I want more of Fianna. I'll have her again at the first opportunity.
There's something different about Fianna. It just felt right when I fucked her. I remember my grams used to always say you knew when you met the right person to spend your life with. Fuck. I don't even know how, but Fianna's it.
And I'll make sure she’s mine, whatever it takes.
Shit. I must be fucking nuts to even think about Fianna like that. This isn't the life for a sweet thing like her. She should have a doctor, a nice house in the suburbs, a couple of kids, and a dog or two.
Why the fuck would she even want someone like me? An outlaw biker. Then, to throw in a fucking kid that ain't even mine. And how to fucking explain that whole story. I don't know yet. Thankfully she didn't ask many questions on why Abigail was with us. One thing I do know is that I need to see her again. And I will.
"Tank! Let's go, I want to get back to the hospital before lunch." Steam from the shower follows me out. Not waiting for a reply, I finish getting ready. There's a clean pair of jeans at least, and I grab a t-shirt, my cut and holster my gun. After a quick look around to make sure everything is where it should be, I head out to the main room to wait for Tank's slow ass.
He finally comes out half-dressed, with red lipstick smudged on his face. Must have had some night, but no way in hell is he going looking like that with me.
“Really, brother? Could you not at least wipe that shit off your face? Three minutes and I’m leaving, whether you’re with me or not.” I turn away, disgusted, but not really sure why I’m bothered by it so much. Two weeks ago, that would have been me, no doubt. Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em. Didn’t give a shit how I looked after, as long as I got what I wanted.